Give your child the edge they need to succeed in Academics through project based learning
We teach our students to CREATE amazing projects
Students are encouraged to INNOVATE their solutions
Our teaching methods have allowed our students to ACHIEVE
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident
Our curriculum has been designed for a multifaceted growth of children. Academics is just a part of it. Emphasis is also given to activities like Music, Art, Literature, Drama, Dance, Public Speaking amongst others. The programs are very engaging and encourage kids to learn by active participation in a group. We believe in young minds challenging the status quo and pioneer new ways of thinking and well being. Our fun-loving culture fosters the talent and helps in evolving a genius out of every kid.
Learning has evolved from the traditional, instructor-led classroom based institutions to collaborative, social, team-based interactions. Budding Genius centers are designed for an immersive learning experience where young minds can explore their potential with practice, engagement, and involvement in every aspect of this experience. The mentors at Budding Genius will challenge each child to open their minds, to be curious, to take bold steps forward, to question and to master each skill.
Kids get bored at school because they are not challenged enough. We have curated the best adaptive learning apps, curriculum and teaching materials to dramatically accelerate the speed of learning and make it more fun.
For students up to 5 years old. The earlier it is discovered, students have the highest potential of learning. We take the sharp edges of learning and smoothen their holistic learning so that they learn and grow skills that help in their future advancement.
Budding Genius utilizes the winning combination of technology & coaching that motivates students . We develop students with the mindset and habits they need to achieve their goals.